
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package group
    Definition Classes
  • object GroupDispatcher

    A GroupDispatcher is an Akka Actor responsible for distributing messages (GroupMsg) within a group.

    A GroupDispatcher is an Akka Actor responsible for distributing messages (GroupMsg) within a group. Thus it is the central class handling a group.

    A GroupDispatcher only handles the GroupChannels but is not responsible for the actual joining of a GroupResult. This is done prior to creating a GroupDispatcher by the GroupAdministration which persists all data in a GroupResult. Who's member in a group is ultimately defined by the GroupResult.

    A GroupChannelActor is only opened after a StudyResult joined a GroupResult, which is done in the GroupAdministration. Group data (e.g. who's member) are persisted in a GroupResult entity. A GroupChannelActor is closed after the StudyResult left the group.

    A GroupChannelActor registers in a GroupDispatcher by sending the RegisterChannel message and unregisters by sending a UnregisterChannel message.

    A new GroupDispatcher is created by the GroupDispatcherRegistry. If a GroupDispatcher has no more members it closes itself.

    A GroupDispatcher handles all messages specified in the GroupDispatcherProtocol. There are fundamentally three different message types: 1) group session patches, 2) broadcast messages, and 3) direct messages for a particular group member.

    The group session patches are JSON Patches after RFC 6902 and used to describe changes in the group session data. The session data are stored in the GroupResult.

    Definition Classes
  • Factory
  • GroupAction
  • GroupActionJsonKey
  • GroupMsg
  • JoinedGroup
  • LeftGroup
  • PoisonChannel
  • PoisonEmptyDispatcher
  • ReassignChannel
  • RegisterChannel
  • TellWhom
  • UnregisterChannel

object TellWhom extends Enumeration

Linear Supertypes
Enumeration, Serializable, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TellWhom
  2. Enumeration
  3. Serializable
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. type TellWhom = Value
  2. abstract class Value extends Ordered[Value] with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  3. class ValueSet extends AbstractSet[Value] with SortedSet[Value] with SortedSetOps[Value, SortedSet, ValueSet] with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[Value, Set, ValueSet] with Serializable
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. val All: Value
  2. val AllButSender: Value
  3. val SenderOnly: Value
  4. val Unknown: Value
  5. final def apply(x: Int): Value
    Definition Classes
  6. final def maxId: Int
    Definition Classes
  7. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    Enumeration → AnyRef → Any
  8. def values: ValueSet
    Definition Classes
  9. final def withName(s: String): Value
    Definition Classes
  10. implicit object ValueOrdering extends Ordering[Value]
    Definition Classes