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UI_WORKER_TYPE - Static variable in class models.common.workers.GeneralMultipleWorker
UI_WORKER_TYPE - Static variable in class models.common.workers.GeneralSingleWorker
UI_WORKER_TYPE - Static variable in class models.common.workers.JatosWorker
UI_WORKER_TYPE - Static variable in class models.common.workers.MTSandboxWorker
UI_WORKER_TYPE - Static variable in class models.common.workers.MTWorker
UI_WORKER_TYPE - Static variable in class models.common.workers.PersonalMultipleWorker
UI_WORKER_TYPE - Static variable in class models.common.workers.PersonalSingleWorker
UI_WORKER_TYPE - Static variable in class models.common.workers.Worker
unmarshalling(File) - Method in class services.gui.UploadUnmarshaller
UNSUPPORTED_COMPONENT_VERSION - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
UNSUPPORTED_STUDY_VERSION - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
unzip(File, File) - Static method in class utils.common.ZipUtil
Unzips the given File.
update(ApiToken) - Method in class daos.common.ApiTokenDao
update(Batch) - Method in class daos.common.BatchDao
update(Component) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentDao
update(ComponentResult) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
update(GroupResult) - Method in class daos.common.GroupResultDao
update(LoginAttempt) - Method in class daos.common.LoginAttemptDao
update(Study) - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
update(StudyLink) - Method in class daos.common.StudyLinkDao
update(StudyResult) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
update(User) - Method in class daos.common.UserDao
update(Worker) - Method in class daos.common.worker.WorkerDao
updateAndRestart(Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Updates
Initializes the actual JATOS update and subsequent restart.
updateAndRestart(boolean) - Method in class general.common.JatosUpdater
Backups, updates files and restarts JATOS
updateBatch(Batch, BatchProperties) - Method in class services.gui.BatchService
Updates the given batch in the database with the given BatchProperties
updateBatchSession(long, BatchSession) - Method in class services.gui.BatchService
updateComponentAfterEdit(Component, ComponentProperties) - Method in class services.gui.ComponentService
Update component's properties with the ones from updatedComponent, but not htmlFilePath and not active.
updateGroupSession(long, GroupSession) - Method in class services.gui.GroupService
updatePassword(User, String) - Method in class services.gui.UserService
Change password and persist user.
Updates - Class in controllers.gui
Controller class for everything around JATOS' auto-update
updateStudy(Study, Study, User) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
Update properties of study with properties of updatedStudy.
updateStudy(Study, StudyProperties, User) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
Update Study with given properties and persist.
updateStudySessionData(Long, String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Only update the 'studySessionData' field and leave everything else untouched
updateStudyWithoutDirName(Study, Study, User) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
Update properties of study with properties of updatedStudy but not Study's field dirName.
uploadResultFile(Http.Request, StudyResult, Component, String) - Method in interface controllers.publix.IPublix
HTTP type: POST request Uploads a result file
uploadResultFile(Http.Request, StudyResult, Component, String) - Method in class controllers.publix.Publix
uploadResultFile(Http.Request, String, String, String) - Method in class controllers.publix.PublixInterceptor
uploadStudyAssetsFile(Http.Request, String, String) - Method in class controllers.gui.Api
Upload a file to a study assets folder.
UploadUnmarshaller<T> - Class in services.gui
Unmarshalling of an JSON string - abstract class
url - Variable in class models.gui.Breadcrumbs.Breadcrumb
URL_BASE_PATH - Static variable in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
urlDecode(String) - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
urlEncode(String) - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
User - Class in models.common
DB entity of a user.
User(String, String, String) - Constructor for class models.common.User
User() - Constructor for class models.common.User
User.AuthMethod - Enum in models.common
Possible authentication methods
User.Role - Enum in models.common
Roles are used for authorization within JATOS GUI
USER_MANAGER - Static variable in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
UserDao - Class in daos.common
DAO for User entity
userManager() - Method in class controllers.gui.Users
USERNAME - Static variable in class auth.gui.SignIn.Login
username - Variable in class auth.gui.SignIn.Login
USERNAME - Static variable in class models.gui.ChangePasswordModel
USERNAME - Static variable in class models.gui.NewUserModel
USERNAME_INVALID - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
USERNAME_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
userNotAllowedToGetData(String) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
userNotExist(String) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
userPasswordMinLength(int) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
Users - Class in controllers.gui
Controller with actions concerning users (incl.
USERS - Static variable in class models.common.Study
UserService - Class in services.gui
Service class mostly for Users controller.
usesMysql() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Does JATOS use an MySQL database?
utils.common - package utils.common
UUID - Static variable in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
UUID - Static variable in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
UUID - Static variable in class models.gui.StudyProperties
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