- tableDataByBatch(Long, String) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyResults
GET that returns all StudyResults of a Batch in JSON format.
- tableDataByComponent(Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.ComponentResults
GET request that returns all ComponentResults as JSON for a given component.
- tableDataByGroup(Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyResults
GET request that returns all StudyResults of a group in JSON format.
- tableDataByStudy(Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.Studies
GET request that returns all component data of the given study as JSON.
- tableDataByStudy(Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyResults
GET request that returns StudyResults of a study in JSON format.
- tableDataByWorker(Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyResults
GET request that returns all StudyResults belonging to a worker as JSON.
- tableDataComponentResultsByStudyResult(Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyResults
Returns for one study result the component result's data
- termsOfUseUrl() - Static method in class general.common.Common
URL to the terms of use that will be shown in a link on the home page
- test() - Method in class controllers.gui.Tests
- testDatabase() - Method in class controllers.gui.Tests
- Tests - Class in controllers.gui
Controller with endpoints used by /jatos/test.
- testStudyAssetsRootFolder() - Method in class controllers.gui.Tests
- testToken() - Method in class controllers.gui.Api
Returns information about the API token used in the request in JSON.
- testWebSocket() - Method in class controllers.gui.Tests
- THIS_USERNAME_IS_ALREADY_REGISTERED - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- throwAjax(String, int) - Method in class services.gui.JatosGuiExceptionThrower
Throws a JatosGuiException for an Ajax request (doesn't return a view)
with the given error msg and HTTP status.
- throwAjax(Exception) - Method in class services.gui.JatosGuiExceptionThrower
Throws a JatosGuiException for an Ajax request (doesn't return a view but
a simple text) with the exception's message.
- throwAjax(Exception, int) - Method in class services.gui.JatosGuiExceptionThrower
Throws a JatosGuiException for an Ajax request (doesn't return a view but
a simple text) with the exception's message.
- throwHome(Exception) - Method in class services.gui.JatosGuiExceptionThrower
Throws a JatosGuiException.
- throwRedirect(Exception, Call) - Method in class services.gui.JatosGuiExceptionThrower
Throws a JatosGuiException that either redirects to the given call if
it's a non-Ajax request - or returns the exception's message if it's a
Ajax request.
- throwStudy(String, int, Long) - Method in class services.gui.JatosGuiExceptionThrower
Throws a JatosGuiException with the given error msg and HTTP status.
- throwStudy(Exception, Long) - Method in class services.gui.JatosGuiExceptionThrower
Throws a JatosGuiException.
- TITLE - Static variable in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- TITLE - Static variable in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- TITLE - Static variable in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- TITLE - Static variable in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- TITLE_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- TMP_DIR - Static variable in class utils.common.IOUtils
- toggleActive(Long, Boolean) - Method in class auth.gui.ApiTokens
- toggleActive(Long, Long, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Components
POST Request to change the property 'active' of a component.
- toggleActive(Long, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Studies
POST request to activate or deactivate a study.
- toggleActive(String, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Users
POST request to activate or deactivate a user.
- toggleActive(String, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.UserService
- toggleAllowedWorkerType(Long, Long, String, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyLinks
POST request to allow or deny a worker type in a batch.
- toggleBatchActive(Long, Long, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyLinks
POST request to toggle the property 'active' of the given batch.
- toggleGroupFixed(Long, Long, boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyLinks
GET request to toggle the group state FIXED / STARTED
- toggleGroupFixed(GroupResult, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.GroupService
- toggleLock(Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.Studies
POST request to swap the locked field of a study.
- toggleMemberUser(Long, String, boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Studies
POST request that adds or removes a member user from a study
- toggleRole(String, String, boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Users
POST request to add or remove a role from a user.
- toggleStudyLinkActive(Long, Long, String, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyLinks
POST request to change the property 'active' of a StudyLink.
- TOO_NEW_COMPONENT_VERSION - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- TOO_NEW_STUDY_VERSION - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- toString() - Method in class models.common.ApiToken
- toString() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- toString() - Method in class models.common.Component
- toString() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- toString() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- toString() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- toString() - Method in class models.common.LoginAttempt
- toString() - Method in class models.common.Study
- toString() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- toString() - Method in class models.common.StudyResultStatus
- toString() - Method in class models.common.User
- toString() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- toString() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- toString() - Method in class models.gui.ChangePasswordModel
- toString() - Method in class models.gui.ChangeUserProfileModel
- toString() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- toString() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- toString() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- toString() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieCollection
- transformToStudyLink(Http.Request, Long, Long) - Method in class controllers.publix.LegacyStudyRuns
- type - Variable in class utils.common.DirectoryStructureToJson.Node