- call(Http.Request) - Method in class auth.gui.AuthAction
- call(Http.Context) - Method in class controllers.gui.actionannotations.ApiAccessLoggingAction
- call(Http.Context) - Method in class controllers.gui.actionannotations.GuiAccessLoggingAction
- call(Http.Context) - Method in class controllers.publix.actionannotation.PublixAccessLoggingAction
- callback(Http.Request) - Method in class auth.gui.SignInOidc
Callback handed to the OIDC provider to be called after authentication
- cancelUpdate() - Method in class controllers.gui.Updates
- cancelUpdate() - Method in class general.common.JatosUpdater
- changeActive(Component, boolean) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentDao
Change and persist active property of a Component.
- changeAdminRole(String, Boolean) - Method in class services.gui.UserService
Adds or removes ADMIN role of the user with the given username and persists the change.
- changeComponentOrder(Long, Long, String) - Method in class controllers.gui.Studies
POST request to change the oder of components within a study.
- changeComponentPosition(String, Study, Component) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
Changes the position of the given component within the given study to the new position given in newPosition.
- changePasswordByAdmin(Http.Request) - Method in class controllers.gui.Users
Handles POST request from change password form in user manager initiated by an admin
- changePasswordByUser(Http.Request) - Method in class controllers.gui.Users
Handles POST request from change password form by user themselves
- ChangePasswordModel - Class in models.gui
Model used by the GUI to change a user password.
- ChangePasswordModel() - Constructor for class models.gui.ChangePasswordModel
- changeSuperuserRole(String, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.UserService
Adds or removes SUPERUSER role of the user with the given username and persists the change.
- changeUserMember(Study, User, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
Changes the member user in the study.
- ChangeUserProfileModel - Class in models.gui
Model used by the GUI to change a user's profile.
- ChangeUserProfileModel() - Constructor for class models.gui.ChangeUserProfileModel
- checkComponentBelongsToStudy(Study, Component) - Method in class services.publix.PublixUtils
Checks if this component belongs to this study and throws an
BadRequestPublixException if it doesn't.
- checkComponentResult(T, User, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Checks a ComponentResult whether the belonging Study and Component are fine (checkStandard).
- checkComponentResults(List<ComponentResult>, User, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Checks a list of ComponentResult.
- checkDefaultBatch(Batch) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Throws an ForbiddenException if this batch is the default batch of it's study.
- Checker - Class in services.gui
Service class that provides checks for different entities
- Checker() - Constructor for class services.gui.Checker
- checkFileInStudyAssetsDirExists(String, String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
- checkFilename(String) - Static method in class utils.common.IOUtils
- checkMaxTotalWorkers(Batch, Worker) - Method in class services.publix.StudyAuthorisation
Check if the max total worker number is reached for this batch.
- checkStandardForBatch(Batch, Study, Long) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Checks the batch and throws an Exception in case of a problem.
- checkStandardForBatch(Batch, Long, User) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
- checkStandardForComponent(Long, Long, Component) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Checks the component of this study and throws an Exception in case of a problem.
- checkStandardForComponent(Long, Component, User) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
- checkStandardForGroup(GroupResult, Study, Long) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Checks the group and throws an Exception in case of a problem.
- checkStandardForGroup(GroupResult, Long, User) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
- checkStandardForStudy(Study, Long, User) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Checks the study and throws an Exception in case of a problem.
- checkStudyAssetsDirExists(String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
- checkStudyIsGroupStudy(Study) - Method in class services.publix.PublixUtils
Throws ForbiddenPublixException if group doesn't allow messaging.
- checkStudyLocked(Study) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Throws an ForbiddenException if a study is locked.
- checkStudyResult(StudyResult, User, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Checks a StudyResult whether the belonging Study is fine, especially that the StudyResult belongs to this user.
- checkStudyResults(List<StudyResult>, User, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Checks a list of StudyResult.
- checksum - Variable in class utils.common.DirectoryStructureToJson.Node
- checkWorker(Worker, Long) - Method in class services.gui.Checker
Throws a Exception in case the worker doesn't exist.
- checkWorkerAllowedToDoStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.StudyAuthorisation
Checks whether the given worker is allowed to do this study in this
- checkWorkerAllowedToDoStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.GeneralMultipleStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToDoStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.GeneralSingleStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToDoStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.JatosStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToDoStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.MTStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToDoStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.PersonalMultipleStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToDoStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.PersonalSingleStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToStartStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.StudyAuthorisation
Checks whether the given worker is allowed to start this study in this
- checkWorkerAllowedToStartStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.GeneralMultipleStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToStartStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.GeneralSingleStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToStartStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.JatosStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToStartStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.MTStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToStartStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.PersonalMultipleStudyAuthorisation
- checkWorkerAllowedToStartStudy(Http.Session, Worker, Study, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.workers.PersonalSingleStudyAuthorisation
- cleanupAfterStudyImport() - Method in class services.gui.ImportExportService
- clearSessionCookie(Http.Session) - Method in class auth.gui.AuthService
Deletes the session cookie.
- clone(Batch) - Method in class services.gui.BatchService
Clones a Batch but does not persists.
- clone(Component) - Method in class services.gui.ComponentService
Clones a Component entity.
- clone(Study) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
Clones the given Study.
- cloneComponent(Long, Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.Components
GET request to clone a component.
- cloneComponentHtmlFile(String, String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Copies a component's HTML file.
- cloneStudy(Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.Studies
GET request to clones a study.
- cloneStudyAssetsDirectory(String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Copies study assets' directory.
- cloneWholeComponent(Component) - Method in class services.gui.ComponentService
Does the same as
and additionally clones the HTML file and changes the
- COMMENT - Static variable in class models.common.workers.PersonalMultipleWorker
- COMMENT - Static variable in class models.common.workers.PersonalSingleWorker
- COMMENT_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- COMMENTS - Static variable in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- COMMENTS - Static variable in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- COMMENTS - Static variable in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- COMMENTS - Static variable in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- Common - Class in general.common
This class provides configuration that is common to all modules of JATOS.
- CommonGuiceModule - Class in general.common
Configuration of Guice dependency injection for Publix module
- CommonGuiceModule() - Constructor for class general.common.CommonGuiceModule
- Component - Class in models.common
DB entity of a component.
- Component() - Constructor for class models.common.Component
- COMPONENT - Static variable in class models.common.Component
- COMPONENT - Static variable in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- COMPONENT_DELETED_BUT_FILES_NOT - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- COMPONENT_ID - Static variable in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- COMPONENT_INVALID - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- COMPONENT_POSITION - Static variable in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- COMPONENT_RESULT_ID - Static variable in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- COMPONENT_WASNT_SAVED - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- componentCloneHtmlNotCloned(String) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- ComponentDao - Class in daos.common
DAO for Component entity
- componentDone(ComponentResult) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixHelpers
True if ComponentResult's state is in FINISHED or ABORTED or FAIL or
- componentHasNoStudy(Long) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- componentNotActive(Long, Long) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixErrorMessages
- componentNotAllowedToReload(Long, Long) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixErrorMessages
- componentNotBelongToStudy(Long, Long) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- componentNotBelongToStudy(Long, Long) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixErrorMessages
- componentNotExist(Long) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- componentNotExist(Long, Long) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixErrorMessages
- ComponentProperties - Class in models.gui
Model of component properties for UI (not persisted in DB).
- ComponentProperties() - Constructor for class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- ComponentResult - Class in models.common
DB entity of a component result.
- ComponentResult() - Constructor for class models.common.ComponentResult
- ComponentResult(Component) - Constructor for class models.common.ComponentResult
- ComponentResult.ComponentState - Enum in models.common
State of this component run (it actually should be called ComponentResultState)
- componentResultAsJsonNode(ComponentResult) - Method in class utils.common.JsonUtils
Returns an ObjectNode of the given ComponentResult.
- componentResultDao - Variable in class controllers.publix.Publix
- ComponentResultDao - Class in daos.common
DAO for ComponentResult entity
- componentResultDataShortForUI(ComponentResult) - Method in class utils.common.JsonUtils
Returns ComponentResult.dataShort limited to MAX_CHAR_PER_RESULT characters.
- ComponentResultIdsExtractor - Class in services.gui
Extracts component result IDs from JSON or a Map.
- componentResultMetadata(ComponentResult) - Method in class utils.common.JsonUtils
- ComponentResultMigration - Class in utils.common
Migrates the database for all <3.7.5.
- componentResultNotExist(Long) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- ComponentResults - Class in controllers.gui
Controller that deals with requests regarding ComponentResult.
- componentResults(Long, Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.ComponentResults
Shows a view with all component results of a component of a study.
- Components - Class in controllers.gui
Controller that deals with all requests regarding Components within the JATOS GUI.
- ComponentService - Class in services.gui
Service class for JATOS Controllers (not Publix).
- ComponentUploadUnmarshaller - Class in services.gui
Unmarshalling of an JSON string to a componet.
- concreteUnmarshaling(String) - Method in class services.gui.ComponentUploadUnmarshaller
Accepts an JSON String and turns the data object within this JSON String
into an object of type Component.
- concreteUnmarshaling(String) - Method in class services.gui.StudyUploadUnmarshaller
Accepts an JSON String and turns the data object within this JSON String
into an object of type Study.
- concreteUnmarshaling(String) - Method in class services.gui.UploadUnmarshaller
Accepts an JSON String and turns the data object within this JSON String
into an object of the type T.
- configure() - Method in class general.common.CommonGuiceModule
- configure() - Method in class general.publix.PublixGuiceModule
- content - Variable in class utils.common.DirectoryStructureToJson.Node
- controllers.gui - package controllers.gui
- controllers.gui.actionannotations - package controllers.gui.actionannotations
- controllers.publix - package controllers.publix
- controllers.publix.actionannotation - package controllers.publix.actionannotation
- controllers.publix.workers - package controllers.publix.workers
- COOKIE_AND - Static variable in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieSerialiser
- COOKIE_EQUALS - Static variable in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieSerialiser
- COOKIE_NAME - Static variable in class services.publix.workers.GeneralSingleCookieService
- COULDNT_CHANGE_POSITION_OF_COMPONENT - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- COULDNT_OPEN_LOG - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- COULDNT_READ_FILE - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- COULDNT_READ_JSON - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- couldntExtractFromIdCookie(String, String) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixErrorMessages
- couldntExtractIndexFromIdCookieName(String) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixErrorMessages
- couldntGeneratePathToFileOrDir(String) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- count() - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
- count() - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
Returns the number of Study rows
- count() - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns the number of StudyResult rows
- count() - Method in class daos.common.UserDao
Returns the number of User rows
- count() - Method in class daos.common.worker.WorkerDao
Returns the number of Worker rows
- countAll() - Method in class daos.common.StudyLinkDao
- countByBatch(Batch) - Method in class daos.common.GroupResultDao
- countByBatch(Batch, String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns the number of StudyResults belonging to the given batch but excludes results from the given
- countByBatchAndWorkerType(Batch, String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyLinkDao
- countByBatchAndWorkerType(Batch, String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns the number of StudyResults belonging to the given batch and given worker type.
- countByComponent(Component) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
Returns the number of ComponentResults belonging to the given Component.
- countByGroup(GroupResult) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns the number of StudyResults belonging to the given group.
- countByStudy(Study) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns the number of StudyResults belonging to the given study.
- countByWorker(Worker, User) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns the number of StudyResults belonging to the given worker.
- countComponentResultsForStudyResultIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
- countLoginAttemptsOfLastMin(String) - Method in class daos.common.LoginAttemptDao
Returns the count of LoginAttempts that happened within the last minute for the given username
- countTotal() - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
Returns the total number of Studys (including the deleted ones)
- countTotal() - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns the total number of StudyResults (including the deleted ones)
- countTotal() - Method in class daos.common.worker.WorkerDao
Returns the total number of Worker (including the deleted ones)
- create(Http.Request) - Method in class controllers.gui.Users
Handles POST request of user create form.
- create(ApiToken) - Method in class daos.common.ApiTokenDao
- create(Batch) - Method in class daos.common.BatchDao
- create(Component) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentDao
- create(ComponentResult) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
- create(GroupResult) - Method in class daos.common.GroupResultDao
- create(LoginAttempt) - Method in class daos.common.LoginAttemptDao
- create(Study) - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
- create(StudyLink) - Method in class daos.common.StudyLinkDao
- create(StudyResult) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
- create(User) - Method in class daos.common.UserDao
Persist user (involves creating a JatosWorker)
- create(String, boolean) - Method in class daos.common.worker.MTWorkerDao
Create MTWorker.
- create(Worker) - Method in class daos.common.worker.WorkerDao
- create(Study) - Method in class general.common.StudyLogger
- create(User, String, Integer) - Method in class services.gui.ApiTokenService
Generates a new api token and persists it in the database.
- createAdminIfNotExists() - Method in class services.gui.UserService
Check for user admin: In case the application is started the first time we need an initial user: admin.
- createAndPersistBatch(Batch, Study, User) - Method in class services.gui.BatchService
Creates batch, initialises it and persists it.
- createAndPersistComponent(Study, Component) - Method in class services.gui.ComponentService
Initialise and persist the given Component.
- createAndPersistComponent(Study, ComponentProperties) - Method in class services.gui.ComponentService
Create and persist a Component with given properties.
- createAndPersistGeneralMultipleWorker(Batch) - Method in class services.publix.WorkerCreator
Create and persist a GeneralMultipleWorker
- createAndPersistGeneralSingleWorker(Batch) - Method in class services.publix.WorkerCreator
Create and persist a GeneralSingleWorker
- createAndPersistMTWorker(String, boolean, Batch) - Method in class services.publix.WorkerCreator
Creates and persists a MTWorker or a MTSandboxWorker.
- createAndPersistStudy(User, StudyProperties) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
Create and persist a Study with given properties.
- createAndPersistStudy(User, Study) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
Persists the given Study.
- createAndPersistStudyLinks(String, int, Batch, String) - Method in class services.gui.StudyLinkService
- createAndPersistUser(User, String, boolean, User.AuthMethod) - Method in class services.gui.UserService
Creates a user, sets password hash and persists them.
- createComponentResult(StudyResult, Component) - Method in class services.publix.ResultCreator
- createDefaultBatch(Study) - Method in class services.gui.BatchService
Create and initialises default Batch.
- createDir(File) - Static method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Creates the given File as a directory, including necessary and non-existent parent directories.
- createStudyAssetsDir(String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Creates a study assets dir.
- createStudyExportZipFile(Study) - Method in class services.gui.ImportExportService
Returns a JATOS study archive (suffix .jzip).
- createStudyLinksForExistingPersonalWorkers() - Method in class services.gui.StudyLinkService
This method is only used during update from version <3.7.1.
- createStudyResult(StudyLink, Worker) - Method in class services.publix.ResultCreator
Creates StudyResult and adds it to the given Worker.
- creation - Variable in class utils.common.DirectoryStructureToJson.Node
- CREATION_TIME - Static variable in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel