- general.common - package general.common
- general.gui - package general.gui
- general.publix - package general.publix
- GeneralMultiplePublix - Class in controllers.publix.workers
Implementation of JATOS' public API for studies run by
- GeneralMultipleStudyAuthorisation - Class in services.publix.workers
StudyAuthorization for GeneralMultipleWorker
- GeneralMultipleStudyAuthorisation() - Constructor for class services.publix.workers.GeneralMultipleStudyAuthorisation
- GeneralMultipleWorker - Class in models.common.workers
DB entity of the concrete Worker if a study is run as an General Multiple Worker.
- GeneralMultipleWorker() - Constructor for class models.common.workers.GeneralMultipleWorker
- GeneralSingleCookieService - Class in services.publix.workers
Manages the GeneralSingle cookie.
- GeneralSingleCookieService() - Constructor for class services.publix.workers.GeneralSingleCookieService
- GeneralSinglePublix - Class in controllers.publix.workers
Implementation of JATOS' public API for general single study runs (open to
- GeneralSingleStudyAuthorisation - Class in services.publix.workers
StudyAuthorization for GeneralSingleWorker
- GeneralSingleStudyAuthorisation() - Constructor for class services.publix.workers.GeneralSingleStudyAuthorisation
- GeneralSingleWorker - Class in models.common.workers
DB entity of the concrete Worker if a study is run as an General Single Worker.
- GeneralSingleWorker() - Constructor for class models.common.workers.GeneralSingleWorker
- generate(String, Integer) - Method in class auth.gui.ApiTokens
- generateConfirmationCode() - Method in class models.common.workers.GeneralMultipleWorker
- generateConfirmationCode() - Method in class models.common.workers.GeneralSingleWorker
- generateConfirmationCode() - Method in class models.common.workers.JatosWorker
- generateConfirmationCode() - Method in class models.common.workers.MTWorker
- generateConfirmationCode() - Method in class models.common.workers.PersonalMultipleWorker
- generateConfirmationCode() - Method in class models.common.workers.PersonalSingleWorker
- generateConfirmationCode() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- generateFileName(String, String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Generates a filename from a name in a specified length and adds the suffix.
- generateFileName(String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Generates a filename from a name in a specified length.
- generateForAdministration(String) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForBatch(Study, Batch, String) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForComponent(Study, Component, String) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForGroup(Study, Batch, GroupResult, String) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForHome() - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForHome(String) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForStudy(Study) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForStudy(Study, String) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForUser(User) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForUser(User, String) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateForWorker(Worker, String) - Method in class services.gui.BreadcrumbsService
- generateSecureRandomString(int) - Static method in class utils.common.HashUtils
Generates a random string that can be used for passwords or tokens
- generateStudyAssetsPath(String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Generates a study assets directory path.
- get(String) - Static method in class general.common.RequestScope
- get(File, boolean) - Static method in class utils.common.DirectoryStructureToJson
Turns the file system of the given directory to JSON.
- getActiveGroupResult() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getActiveMemberCount() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getActiveMemberList() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getAdminPassword() - Method in class models.gui.ChangePasswordModel
- getAdminPassword() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getAdminStatus() - Method in class services.gui.AdminService
- getAll() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieCollection
- getAllowedWorkerList() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getAllowedWorkerTypes() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getAllowedWorkerTypes() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- getAllStudyPropertiesByUser(Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Api
Returns all study properties a user can access.
- getAsJson() - Static method in class general.gui.FlashScopeMessaging
- getAsJson() - Static method in class general.gui.RequestScopeMessaging
- getAssetsFilePath(String, String, Study) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Get a Path to a file in a study assets directory.
- getAuthByLdap() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getAuthByOAuthGoogle() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getAuthByOidc() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getAuthMethod() - Method in class models.common.User
- getBasepath() - Static method in class general.common.Common
JATOS' absolute base path without trailing '/.'
- getBatch() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getBatch() - Method in class models.common.StudyLink
- getBatch() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getBatchByStudyForUI(Batch, Integer, Integer) - Method in class utils.common.JsonUtils
Returns a JSON string of one batch.
- getBatchId() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getBatchList() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getBatchList() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- getBatchSessionData() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getBatchSessionVersion() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getBrandingUrl() - Static method in class general.common.Common
URL where some static HTML can be found that can be shown instead of the default welcome message on the home page
- getBreadcrumbs() - Method in class models.gui.Breadcrumbs
- getChecksum(String) - Static method in class utils.common.HashUtils
Uses MD5 to generate a 6 chars long checksum of a string
- getChecksum(File) - Static method in class utils.common.HashUtils
Uses Adler32 to calculate a checksum of a file
- getComment() - Method in class models.common.workers.PersonalMultipleWorker
- getComment() - Method in class models.common.workers.PersonalSingleWorker
- getComments() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getComments() - Method in class models.common.Component
- getComments() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getComments() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getComments() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- getComments() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- getComments() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getComponent() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getComponent(int) - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
Gets the component of this study at the given position.
- getComponent(int) - Method in class models.common.Study
Gets the component of this study at the given position.
- getComponentId() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getComponentList() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getComponentList() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getComponentPosition(Component) - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
Returns the position (index+1) of the component in the list of components of this study or null if it doesn't
- getComponentPosition(Component) - Method in class models.common.Study
Returns the position (index+1) of the component in the list of components of this study or null if it doesn't
- getComponentPosition() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getComponentResultId() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getComponentResultList() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getComponentResultsByStudyResult(StudyResult) - Method in class utils.common.JsonUtils
- getComponentState() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getConfirmationCode() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getCreationDate() - Method in class models.common.ApiToken
- getCreationTime() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getData(Long) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
Get 'data' field without fetching the whole row.
- getData() - Method in class models.gui.BatchSession
- getData() - Method in class models.gui.GroupSession
- getDataShort() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getDataSize() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getDate() - Method in class models.common.Component
- getDate() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getDate() - Method in class models.common.LoginAttempt
- getDate() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getDate() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- getDate() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getDateTimeYyyyMMddHHmmss() - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
- getDbDriver() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Database driver as defined in application.conf
- getDbUrl() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Database URL as defined in application.conf
- getDefaultBatch() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getDescription() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getDescription() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getDescription() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getDescriptionHash() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getDirName() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getDirName() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getDirName() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getEmail() - Method in class models.common.User
- getEmail() - Method in class models.gui.ChangeUserProfileModel
- getEmail() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getEndDate() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getEndDate() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getEndDate() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getEndDate() - Method in class models.common.StudyResultStatus
- getEndRedirectUrl() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getEndRedirectUrl() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getErrorList() - Method in class models.gui.Messages
- getExistingFileInStudyAssetsDir(String, String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Gets the File object which resides under filePath within the study assets' directory.
- getExistingFileSecurely(String, String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Gets the File object while preventing a path traversal attack and checks whether the file exists and is no
- getExpirationDate() - Method in class models.common.ApiToken
- getExpires() - Method in class models.common.ApiToken
- getFileInStudyAssetsDir(String, String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Gets the File object which resides under filePath within the study assets' directory.
- getFilename(Study) - Method in class general.common.StudyLogger
- getFirstComponent() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getFirstComponent() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getFirstComponentResult() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getFirstStudyResult() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- getGroupResultId() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getGroupSessionData() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getGroupSessionVersion() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getGroupState() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getHash(String, String) - Static method in class utils.common.HashUtils
Calculates hash with the given hash function.
- getHash(Path, String) - Static method in class utils.common.HashUtils
Calculates hash for the given file.
- getHashMD5(String) - Static method in class utils.common.HashUtils
- getHistoryGroupResult() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getHistoryMemberCount() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getHistoryMemberList() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getHtmlFilePath() - Method in class models.common.Component
- getHtmlFilePath() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- getHttpStatus() - Method in exception exceptions.publix.PublixException
- getId() - Method in class models.common.ApiToken
- getId() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getId() - Method in class models.common.Component
- getId() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getId() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getId() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getId() - Method in class models.common.LoginAttempt
- getId() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getId() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getId() - Method in class models.common.StudyResultStatus
- getId() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- getId() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- getId() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- getIdCookie(Long) - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieService
Returns the IdCookie that corresponds to the given study result ID.
- getIdCookiesSameSite() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Which SameSite attribute the ID cookies should set
- getIndex() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getInfoList() - Method in class models.gui.Messages
- getInitData(Http.Request, StudyResult, Component) - Method in interface controllers.publix.IPublix
HTTP type: GET request
Returns the init data provided by jatos.js to the experimenters code: study's properties, component's properties,
and study's session data.
- getInitData(Http.Request, StudyResult, Component) - Method in class controllers.publix.Publix
- getInitData(Http.Request, String, String) - Method in class controllers.publix.PublixInterceptor
- getJatosApiVersion() - Static method in class general.common.Common
JATOS API version (different from JATOS version)
- getJatosHttpAddress() - Static method in class general.common.Common
JATOS HTTP host address without protocol or port (e.g.
- getJatosHttpPort() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Port JATOS is running on
- getJatosRun() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getJatosUpdateMsg() - Static method in class general.common.Common
If in update happened during last startup a message might be stored here
- getJatosUrlBasePath() - Static method in class general.common.Common
HTTP URL base path: will be the prefix for each URL, e.g.
- getJatosVersion() - Static method in class general.common.Common
JATOS version (full version e.g.
- getJpaDefault() - Static method in class general.common.Common
JPA persistence unit as defined in application.conf
- getJsonData() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getJsonData() - Method in class models.common.Component
- getJsonData() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getJsonData() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getJsonData() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- getJsonData() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- getJsonData() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getJVMInfo() - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
- getLastComponent() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getLastComponent() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getLastComponentResult() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getLastLogin() - Method in class models.common.User
- getLastSeen() - Method in class models.common.User
- getLastSeenDate() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getLastSeenDate() - Method in class models.common.StudyResultStatus
- getLastStudyResult() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- getLatestStudyRuns(int) - Method in class services.gui.AdminService
- getLatestUsers(int) - Method in class services.gui.AdminService
Gets the last seen time of users that were active latest, except the logged in one.
- getLdapAdminDn() - Static method in class general.common.Common
LDAP admin DN (Distinguished Name) - the admin user is used to search for the actual user that wants to log in
- getLdapAdminPassword() - Static method in class general.common.Common
LDAP admin password
- getLdapBaseDn() - Static method in class general.common.Common
LDAP base DNs (Distinguished Name)
- getLdapTimeout() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Read timeout for the LDAP server
- getLdapUrl() - Static method in class general.common.Common
LDAP URL (with port)
- getLocalIpAddress() - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
- getLoggedInUser() - Method in class auth.gui.AuthService
Gets the logged-in user from the RequestScope.
- getLoggedInUserBySessionCookie(Http.Session) - Method in class auth.gui.AuthService
Retrieves the logged-in user from Play's session.
- getLogsAppender() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Log appender: can be 'ASYNCFILE' (default) or 'ASYNCSTDOUT'
- getLogsFilename() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Base name of JATOS log files without the suffix ('.log' or '.gz').
- getLogsPath() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Path where the application logs are located
- getMac() - Static method in class general.common.Common
MAC address of the network interface
- getMaxActiveMembers() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getMaxActiveMembers() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- getMaxResultsDbQuerySize() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Maximal number of results to be fetched from the DB at once
- getMaxTotalMembers() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getMaxTotalMembers() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- getMaxTotalWorkers() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getMaxTotalWorkers() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- getMessage() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getMessage() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getMtWorkerId() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getMTWorkerId() - Method in class models.common.workers.MTWorker
- getName() - Method in class models.common.ApiToken
- getName() - Method in class models.common.User
- getName() - Method in class models.gui.ChangeUserProfileModel
- getName() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getName() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getNewPassword() - Method in class models.gui.ChangePasswordModel
- getNewPasswordRepeat() - Method in class models.gui.ChangePasswordModel
- getNextAvailableIdCookieIndex() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieCollection
Returns a number from 0 to
- getNextComponent(Component) - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getNextComponent(Component) - Method in class models.common.Study
- getOauthGoogleClientId() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Google Sign-in Client ID for OAuth / OpenId Connect (OIDC)
- getOidcClientId() - Static method in class general.common.Common
OpenId Connect (OIDC) Client ID
- getOidcIdTokenSigningAlgorithm() - Static method in class general.common.Common
OpenId Connect (OIDC) Client ID
- getOidcProviderConfigUrl() - Static method in class general.common.Common
OpenId Connect (OIDC) provider config URL (ends with ".well-known/openid-configuration")
- getOidcSignInButtonLogoUrl() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Logo URL of OIDC button in login page
- getOidcSignInButtonText() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Text of OIDC button in login page
- getOldestIdCookie() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieService
Checks the creation time of each IdCookie in the given IdCookieCollection
and returns the oldest one.
- getOldPassword() - Method in class models.gui.ChangePasswordModel
- getOSInfo() - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
- getPassword() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getPasswordHash() - Method in class models.common.User
- getPasswordRepeat() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getPath(Study) - Method in class general.common.StudyLogger
- getQueryParameter(Http.Request, String) - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
Gets the value of to the given parameter in request's query string and trims whitespace.
- getQueryString(Http.Request) - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
Returns the whole query string of the given Request including '?'.
- getReleaseInfo(String, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Updates
Checks whether there is an JATOS update available and if yes returns ReleaseInfo as JSON
Example URL to enforce update to a certain version: example.com/jatos?version=v3.5.1
- getReleaseInfo(String, boolean) - Method in class general.common.JatosUpdater
- getResultDataMaxSize() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Maximal size of result data of one component result in Byte
- getResultDataSize(Study, int) - Method in class services.gui.AdminService
- getResultFileSize(Study, int) - Method in class services.gui.AdminService
- getResultsPath(Long, Long) - Static method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Path to result files in file system (after unpacking - so using the OS' file separator)
- getResultsPathForZip(Long, Long) - Static method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Path to result files in zip package with '/' as file separator
- getResultUploadDirSize(Long) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Returns the disk size in Bytes of all uploaded files belonging to the given study result ID.
- getResultUploadFileSecurely(Long, Long, String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
- getResultUploadsDir(Long) - Static method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Path to result uploads folder where JATOS stores the uploaded result files
- getResultUploadsDir(Long, Long) - Static method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Path to result uploads folder where JATOS stores the uploaded result files
- getResultUploadsLimitPerStudyRun() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Max size of all files uploaded during a single study run in bytes
- getResultUploadsMaxFileSize() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Max file size in bytes for a single uploaded file
- getResultUploadsPath() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Path in the file system where JATOS stores uploaded result files
- getRetiredFilename(Study) - Method in class general.common.StudyLogger
- getRetiredPath(Study) - Method in class general.common.StudyLogger
- getRoleList() - Method in class models.common.User
- getSimpleResult() - Method in exception exceptions.gui.JatosGuiException
- getSingleUserData(User) - Method in class utils.common.JsonUtils
- getStartDate() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getStartDate() - Method in class models.common.GroupResult
- getStartDate() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getStartDate() - Method in class models.common.StudyResultStatus
- getStringSize(String) - Static method in class utils.common.Helpers
Gets the number of bytes in UTF-8 the given string has
- getStudiesData(Collection<Study>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class services.gui.AdminService
- getStudy() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getStudy() - Method in class models.common.Component
- getStudy() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getStudy() - Method in class models.common.StudyResultStatus
- getStudyAssetDirSize(Study) - Method in class services.gui.AdminService
- getStudyAssets() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getStudyAssetsDir(String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Gets the study assets with the given directory name.
- getStudyAssetsDirSize(String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Returns the disk size in Bytes of all files inside the given study assets directory.
- getStudyAssetsRootPath() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Path in the file system to the study assets root directory.
- getStudyAssetsStructure(String, boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Api
Gets the study assets directory structure as JSON
- getStudyCode() - Method in class models.common.StudyLink
- getStudyCode() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getStudyCodes(String, Option<Long>, String, String, Integer) - Method in class controllers.gui.Api
Get study codes for the given batch and worker type
- getStudyCodes(String, Option<Long>, String, String, Integer) - Method in class services.gui.StudyLinkService
- getStudyEntryMsg() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getStudyEntryMsg() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getStudyFromIdOrUuid(String) - Method in class services.gui.StudyService
- getStudyId() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- getStudyId() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getStudyId() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getStudyList() - Method in class models.common.User
- getStudyLogsPath() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Path in the file system where JATOS stores its logs for each study
- getStudyProperties(String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class controllers.gui.Api
Get study properties
- getStudyResult() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getStudyResultId() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getStudyResultIdFromOldestIdCookie() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieService
Checks the creation time of each IdCookie in the given IdCookieCollection
and returns the study result ID of the oldest one.
- getStudyResultList() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- getStudyResultUuid() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getStudySessionData() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getStudyState() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getStudyState() - Method in class models.common.StudyResultStatus
- getSuccessList() - Method in class models.gui.Messages
- getTitle() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getTitle() - Method in class models.common.Component
- getTitle() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getTitle() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getTitle() - Method in class models.gui.BatchProperties
- getTitle() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- getTitle() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getTokenHash() - Method in class models.common.ApiToken
- getUIWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.GeneralMultipleWorker
- getUIWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.GeneralSingleWorker
- getUIWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.JatosWorker
- getUIWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.MTSandboxWorker
- getUIWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.MTWorker
- getUIWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.PersonalMultipleWorker
- getUIWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.PersonalSingleWorker
- getUIWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- getUIWorkerType(String) - Static method in class models.common.workers.Worker
Little helper method that translates a workerType into the UI worker
- getUrlBasePath() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getUrlQueryParameters() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getUser() - Method in class models.common.ApiToken
- getUser() - Method in class models.common.workers.JatosWorker
- getUserList() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getUserList() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getUsername() - Method in class models.common.LoginAttempt
- getUsername() - Method in class models.common.User
- getUsername() - Method in class models.gui.ChangePasswordModel
- getUsername() - Method in class models.gui.NewUserModel
- getUserPasswordMinLength() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Message that will be displayed during user creation that describes password requirements
- getUserPasswordStrengthRegex() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Regex that will be used to check the password during user creation
- getUserSessionInactivity() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Time in minutes a user can be inactive before he will be logged-out
(defined in application.conf)
- getUserSessionTimeout() - Static method in class general.common.Common
Time in minutes when the Play session will timeout (defined in
- getUuid() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getUuid() - Method in class models.common.Component
- getUuid() - Method in class models.common.legacy.StudyV2
- getUuid() - Method in class models.common.Study
- getUuid() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getUuid() - Method in class models.gui.ComponentProperties
- getUuid() - Method in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- getVersion() - Method in class models.gui.BatchSession
- getVersion() - Method in class models.gui.GroupSession
- getWarningList() - Method in class models.gui.Messages
- getWorker() - Method in class models.common.StudyLink
- getWorker() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getWorker() - Method in class models.common.User
- getWorkerId() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getWorkerId() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getWorkerId() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- getWorkerList() - Method in class models.common.Batch
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.ComponentResult
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.StudyLink
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.StudyResult
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.GeneralMultipleWorker
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.GeneralSingleWorker
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.JatosWorker
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.MTSandboxWorker
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.MTWorker
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.PersonalMultipleWorker
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.PersonalSingleWorker
- getWorkerType() - Method in class models.common.workers.Worker
- getWorkerType() - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- goToThisStudyLink(Long) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- GROUP_RESULT_ID - Static variable in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieModel
- GROUP_STUDY - Static variable in class models.gui.StudyProperties
- groupChannel - Variable in class controllers.publix.Publix
- groupNotExist(Long) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- groupNotInStudy(Long, Long) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
- GroupResult - Class in models.common
DB entity of a group result.
- GroupResult() - Constructor for class models.common.GroupResult
- GroupResult(Batch) - Constructor for class models.common.GroupResult
Creates a new GroupResult and adds the given StudyResult as the first group member.
- GroupResult.GroupState - Enum in models.common
- GroupResultDao - Class in daos.common
DAO for GroupResult
- groupsByBatch(Long, Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyLinks
GET request that returns data of all groups that belong to the given batch as JSON
- GroupService - Class in services.gui
Service class for JATOS Controllers (not Publix).
- GroupSession - Class in models.gui
- GroupSession() - Constructor for class models.gui.GroupSession
- groupSessionData(Long, Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyLinks
GET request that returns the group session data as String
- groupsStudyResults(Long, Long) - Method in class controllers.gui.StudyResults
Shows view with all StudyResults of a group.
- GuiAccessLoggingAction - Class in controllers.gui.actionannotations
Annotation definition for Play actions: logging of each action call, e.g.
- GuiAccessLoggingAction() - Constructor for class controllers.gui.actionannotations.GuiAccessLoggingAction
- GuiAccessLoggingAction.GuiAccessLogging - Annotation Type in controllers.gui.actionannotations