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FAILED_THREE_TIMES - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
fetchBatch(Long, Study) - Method in class services.gui.BatchService
Gets the batch with given ID from the database or if the batchId is -1 returns the default batch of this study.
fetchJatosRunFromSession(Http.Session) - Method in class services.publix.PublixUtils
Retrieves the JatosRun object that maps to the jatos run parameter in the session.
fetchWorkerIdByStudy(Study) - Method in class services.publix.workers.GeneralSingleCookieService
Returns the worker ID of the GeneralSingleWorker that belongs to the given study - or null, if it doesn't exist.
FILE_MISSING - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
FILE_NOT_EXIST_OR_DIR - Static variable in class general.common.MessagesStrings
filePathIsntFile(String) - Static method in class general.common.MessagesStrings
fillDataFieldsForExistingComponentResults() - Method in class utils.common.ComponentResultMigration
This method is only used during update from version <3.7.5.
find(Long) - Method in class daos.common.ApiTokenDao
find(Long) - Method in class daos.common.LoginAttemptDao
findAll() - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
findAll() - Method in class daos.common.UserDao
findAll() - Method in class daos.common.worker.WorkerDao
findAllByBatch(Batch) - Method in class daos.common.GroupResultDao
findAllByBatch(Batch) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findAllByBatch(Batch, String, int, int) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns paginated StudyResults that belong to the given Batch but excludes results from the given workerTypeToBeExcluded.
findAllByBatchAndWorkerType(Batch, String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyLinkDao
findAllByBatchAndWorkerType(Batch, String, int, int) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns paginated StudyResults that belong to the given Batch and worker type.
findAllByComponent(Component) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
findAllByComponent(Component, int, int) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
Returns paginated ComponentResult that belong to the given Component We can't use ScrollableResults for pagination since the MySQL Hibernate driver doesn't support it (
findAllByGroup(GroupResult, int, int) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
We can't use ScrollableResults for pagination since the MySQL Hibernate driver doesn't support it (
findAllByStudy(Study) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findAllByStudy(Study, int, int) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns paginated StudyResults that belong to the given Study We can't use ScrollableResults for pagination since the MySQL Hibernate driver doesn't support it (
findAllByUser(User) - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
findAllByWorker(Worker, User, int, int) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns paginated StudyResults that belong to the given Worker and User.
findAllIdsWhereDataSizeIsNull() - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
Fetches all ComponentResults without 'dataSize' (is null).
findAllMaxNotReached(Batch) - Method in class daos.common.GroupResultDao
Searches the database for GroupResults that fit the criteria: 1) are in the given batch, 2) are in state STARTED, 3) where the activeMemberCount < Batch's maxActiveMembers, 3) activeMemberCount + historyMemberCount < Batch's maxTotalMembers.
findByBatchAndWorker(Batch, Worker) - Method in class daos.common.StudyLinkDao
findByHash(String) - Method in class daos.common.ApiTokenDao
findById(Long) - Method in class daos.common.BatchDao
findById(Long) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentDao
findById(Long) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
findById(Long) - Method in class daos.common.GroupResultDao
findById(Long) - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
findById(Long) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findById(Long) - Method in class daos.common.worker.WorkerDao
findByIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
findByIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findByIds(List<Long>, int, int) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findByMTWorkerId(String, String) - Method in class daos.common.worker.MTWorkerDao
Retrieves the worker with the given MTurk worker ID and worker type.
findByStudyCode(String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyLinkDao
findByStudyCode(String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findByStudyResultIds(Collection<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
findByTitle(String) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentDao
Finds all components with the given title and returns them in a list.
findByTitle(String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
Finds all studies with the given title and returns them in a list.
findByUser(User) - Method in class daos.common.ApiTokenDao
findByUsername(String) - Method in class daos.common.UserDao
findByUuid(String) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentDao
Finds the component with this UUID
findByUuid(String, Study) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentDao
Searches for components with this UUID within the given study.
findByUuid(String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
findByUuid(String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findDirectories(File) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Returns all directories within this directory.
findFiles(File, String, String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
Returns all files within this directory that have the prefix and the suffix.
findFirstByBatchAndWorkerType(Batch, String) - Method in class daos.common.StudyLinkDao
findIdsByBatchIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findIdsByComponentIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
findIdsByComponentResultIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
Takes a list component result IDs and checks if they exist in the database.
findIdsByComponentResultIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Returns a list of unique study result IDs that belong to the given list of component result IDs.
findIdsByComponentUuids(List<String>) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
findIdsByGroupIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findIdsByStudyId(Long) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findIdsByStudyIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
findIdsByStudyResultId(Long) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
findIdsByStudyResultIds(Collection<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.StudyDao
findIdsByStudyUuids(List<String>) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
findIdsFromListThatBelongToStudy(List<Long>, Long) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
findLastSeen(int) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Find the StudyResultStatus with the most recent lastSeen
findLastSeen(int) - Method in class daos.common.UserDao
Returns the users with the most recent lastSeen datetime field.
findLastStarted(Study) - Method in class daos.common.StudyResultDao
Find the StudyResultStatus with the most recent startDate that belongs to the given study
findNonExistingStudyAssetsDirName(String) - Method in class utils.common.IOUtils
findOrderedIdsByOrderedStudyResultIds(List<Long>) - Method in class daos.common.ComponentResultDao
Returns a list of component result IDs that belong to the given list of study result IDs.
findWithStudyResultId(long) - Method in class services.publix.idcookie.IdCookieCollection
Returns the IdCookie to which the specified study result ID is mapped, or null if nothing maps to the ID.
finishedStudyAlready(Worker, Study) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixHelpers
Checks if the worker finished this study already at least once.
finishOldestStudyResult() - Method in class services.publix.PublixUtils
Checks if the max number of ID cookies is reached and if yes finishes the oldest one with a state FAIL.
finishStudy(Http.Request, StudyResult, Boolean, String) - Method in interface controllers.publix.IPublix
HTTP type: GET request Finishes the study run (StudyResult state will be FINISHED or FAIL).
finishStudy(Http.Request, StudyResult, Boolean, String) - Method in class controllers.publix.Publix
finishStudy(Http.Request, String, Boolean, String) - Method in class controllers.publix.PublixInterceptor
finishStudy(Http.Request, StudyResult, Boolean, String) - Method in class controllers.publix.workers.JatosPublix
finishStudy(Http.Request, StudyResult, Boolean, String) - Method in class controllers.publix.workers.MTPublix
finishStudyResult(Boolean, String, StudyResult) - Method in class services.publix.PublixUtils
Finishes a StudyResult (includes ComponentResults) and returns a confirmation code if it was successful.
FlashScopeMessaging - Class in general.gui
Passes on messages (info/warning/error/success) to the view.
FlashScopeMessaging() - Constructor for class general.gui.FlashScopeMessaging
ForbiddenException - Exception in exceptions.gui
ForbiddenException(String) - Constructor for exception exceptions.gui.ForbiddenException
ForbiddenNonLinearFlowException - Exception in exceptions.publix
Thrown if a JATOS tries to start a component in a linear study that is before the current running component
ForbiddenNonLinearFlowException(String) - Constructor for exception exceptions.publix.ForbiddenNonLinearFlowException
forbiddenNonLinearStudyFlow(String, Long, Long, Long) - Static method in class services.publix.PublixErrorMessages
ForbiddenPublixException - Exception in exceptions.publix
It causes the request to return with an HTTP status 403 (Forbidden).
ForbiddenPublixException(String) - Constructor for exception exceptions.publix.ForbiddenPublixException
ForbiddenReloadException - Exception in exceptions.publix
Thrown if a JATOS component is not allowed to reload but it this was attempted.
ForbiddenReloadException(String) - Constructor for exception exceptions.publix.ForbiddenReloadException
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